Véronique Laporte, your kinesiologist specialized in therapeutic exercises on the South-Shore

Are you suffering from pain in your body that limits your full mobility? Véronique Laporte kinesiologist specialized in therapeutic exercise, accompanies you in your rehabilitation and helps you to find back your well-being. With kinesiology and physiotherapy, you will relieve your tensions and resume your daily activities. We welcome clients from everywhere on the South-Shore of Montreal.

Relive your tensions with our kinesiology and kinesitherapy services

Are you suffering from tension in your back? Are you physically limited because of ailments such as tendinitis, osteoarthritis or herniated disc? We can help you to find your full mobility back. We develop an exercise plan that allows you to overcome your physical problems. In addition to the exercise plan, we offer many services for your well-being:

Kinesiology care
Kinesitherapy care
Tension relieves
Massage therapy

What is kinesiology and kinesitherapy cares?

Kinesiology and kinesitherapy care are based on muscular and skeletal rebalancing. A disruption in the joints, muscles or bones causes a change in mobility that can lead to physical limitation problems. The cares that we provide helps you to find a good posture and find your full mobility back.

We first welcome our clients at our clinic on the South-Shore of Montreal and we conduct various examinations to determine the practice to be followed to relive the client. When the issue is well identified, we develop together a program to help you relive your tensions and to allowing you to acquire autonomy in the management of your ills.

Find your wellness and your full autonomy back

We practise the kinesiology and kinesitherapy since more than 15 years at our clinic located on the South-Shore of Montreal. Our priority is to restore your full mobility by accompanying you in the rehabilitation of your muscles and your posture. In our therapy by movement we ensure to respect the rhythm and the specific needs of the clients.


” Souffrant d’une spondylolisthesis, j’ai vécu l’enfer pendant 2 ans. Incapable de faire des choses aussi simples que de lacer mes souliers. J’ai eu droit à une infiltration lombaire de cortisone, des antidouleurs, j’ai rencontré de nombreux spécialistes: physiothérapeute, chiropraticien, Dr en chiropractie, kinésithérapeute sans obtenir aucun soulagement. Je prenais jusqu’à 600 mg de Lyrica par jour (un antidouleur). Véronique, KINÉSIOLOGUE et kinésithérapeute, m’a monté un programme 9d’entraînement physique et après 6 mois, j’ai retrouvé mes activités habituelles. J’ai réduit de beaucoup les antidouleurs. J’ai toujours mon problème mais je peux tout de même profiter de la vie grâce à son programme. “
– Denis

“C’est une magicienne, j’ai problème d’arthrose dans un genoux, que je dois faire infiltrer régulièrement, et je vous dis qu’un traitement de Mlle Laporte, me fais beaucoup plus de bien que mes infiltrations à l’hopital….mille merci… ça vaut la peine de faire l’essai. ”
– Patrice

“Pour ses connaissances, son savoir-faire, son professionnalisme et surtout, son écoute envers nos besoins. Elle est de loin, une des meilleures de sa profession. ”
– Martin

“Je recommande les services de Madame Laporte. Elle donne des soins qui font du bien!”
– Françoise

Veronique Laporte has followed a rigorous formation on kinesiology and kinesitherapy and is an official member of the AKKOMQ. By choosing our clinic on the South-Shore of Montreal, you always benefit from official cares that are always up to date. As Veronique Laporte’s practice is recognized in Quebec, some insurances reimburse her care.

Make an appointment right now with Veronique Laporte Kinesiologist

Don’t wait anymore to relive your tensions and contact us right now to make an appointment at our clinic on the South-Shore of Montreal. We offer complete kinesiology and kinesitherapy cares to help you find back your full mobility.


6 de la salle Street, Beloeil

Monday to Friday on appointment